How Arborgold Can Help Your Winter Service Business

Winter Service Business

Winter is coming to many cities and towns in North America, which means switching gears to your winter service business. Thankfully, there is still a ton of work that can be done in the lawn care industry in the winter.

Snow removal, clearing, and plowing is a huge industry, especially if a big storm comes.

Since winter can be unpredictable, it’s important to be organized. Winter service business software can really help you stay on track of your jobs, prioritize your fleet, and understand your inventory, staffing, and scheduling needs. While winter can be stressful to a lot of people, it doesn’t have to be stressful for your business!

Here is how Aborgold can help your winter service business:

Manage your customer base and sell snow clearing services

Before winter comes, it’s a great time to hit up your customer base and start selling your snow plowing and snow clearing services. New customers signed on this year, or customers that are loyal to you in the summer, may have no idea what you offer in terms of snow clearing.

Before winter comes, send out an offer to sign on for a monthly or biweekly snow plowing clearing service. You customers may not even realize that your company will come take away that massive, ugly pile of snow that builds up in the parking lot of both residential and commercial properties.

Aborgold is a great winter service business software, because it keeps track of your entire customer base, allows you to make lists depending on the customers, and use these lists for sales calls or email newsletters or offers.

You can also use these list for digital marketing efforts, such as Facebook lookalike audiences and Google AdWords.

Snow removal software creates efficiencies when running your business

Winter can be chaotic, as customers sometimes don’t realize they need snow plowing or snow clearing services until they really need them – and when they need them, it’s often an urgent situation!

Snow removal software allows you to create proposals and estimates instantly in the field, schedule jobs and equipment with a few clicks, and send out messages to both your head office and your fleet.

When your team is working in the winter with emergency situations, you will want to have a proper snow removal software on hand to quickly handle all customer inquiries, staffing needs, and quickly get equipment to and from. There’s no time to waste in the winter, because a customer will hate to be snowed in.

With features such as route optimization, GPS crew tracking, and text message updates to customers, you will be able to give everyone (including your managers) a piece of mind for how your fleet is working in the field in the winter with Aborgold software.

Manage your company and learn

By using a software to manage your winter season, you can track all activity that is happening with your company. Aborgold tracks sales pipelines, estimate statuses, workflow management, crew productivity, routes, renewals, revenue by sales reps, and everything from inventory to new leads.

You get a bird’s eye view on every single thing going on with your company, so you can easily set winter sales goals and find opportunities to optimize your operations.

Not only that, but after the season is done you can pull reports from everything to sales, operations, to financials and learn for next year. Do you need extra equipment or to hire more employees next winter?  Winter service software can tell you all of that.

Take control of winter

The winter season can be a real beast, but with winter service software you can feel in control. You can easily manage your day to day operations while also being proactive and securing new clients for snow plowing services.

Snow clearing is a huge industry in the winter, and software can help you get ahead of the season and lock in those big residential and commercial clients, or secure those renewals, before the first snowflake falls.

Take a tour of Aborgold Software today and see all of the features that will help your business this winter and into the spring, summer, and fall.

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