The Must Have 5 Qualities of the Best Snow Removal Business Software

Recruit for Landscape and Snow Removal Business

Managing a snow removal company can be difficult. Aside from unpredictable weather and “feast and famine” seasons, there are the challenges of scheduling crews, communicating with clients, managing (timely) invoicing, and more.

One of the best ways to help your snow removal business run more smoothly is with a snow removal software. As a business management tool, snow removal software helps you turn leads into clients, bids into work orders, and work orders into schedules all with just a few clicks of a button.

In addition, a great snow removal software is going to integrate with your accounting system, help you stay in contact with your clients, and better manage your crews remotely.

What to Look for in a Snow Removal Business Software

As a company who has been specifically designing business management tools for the green industry for over 20 years, we have experienced hands-on what is most important in a snow removal business software.

In the article below, we discuss 5 of the must-haves for a snow removal software that can truly transform your business.

1. Scheduling Tools

Likely one of the reasons you’re searching for a snow removal business management tool in the first place is for scheduling. Scheduling for any green industry company can be complicated, but it is especially so with snow removal. 

Snow removal is a fast-paced, challenging process. While you can make some scheduling predictions based on weather reports, those in the industry know that it’s not until the first flake falls that you can actually count on a snowstorm. 

A good snow removal business software will have robust scheduling tools that let you dispatch teams quickly and efficiently. Some even have “smart scheduling” tools that map the most efficient routes using GPS to batch nearby clients together and save drive time.

2. Integrated Billing

Snow removal is especially complicated because instead of being on a regular service schedule, clients are receiving service and invoices as the weather changes. 

It can significantly simplify the process to have your invoicing tool integrated with your snow removal business management software. This allows you to send an invoice as soon as a job is complete, helping to prevent confusion or conflict.

3. Automated Customer Messages

Communicating with customers is important in any service-based job, but especially in snow removal. In snow removal, service schedules are unpredictable. In addition, when snow hits, you likely have multiple houses that need snow removed—and fast. 

Some snow removal software programs like Arborgold can automatically notify your client when a crew is dispatched, when the job is complete, when an auto-pay invoice has been paid, or when an invoice is ready for payment.

4. Client Relations Management (CRM)

Your snow removal software should also have an integrated CRM. This is the system that helps you manage clients, track communications, and record information about jobs, billing, and more. With a good CRM, you can improve the client experience, reduce client churn, and improve your close rate with new leads. 

A good CRM will help you reach out to new leads when they come in so you can work on scheduling and providing a bid. It will also help ensure any leads that have not closed yet do not fall through the cracks. In addition, it provides you with an easy way to send special offers or request reviews and referrals from existing clients.

5. Automated Batch Renewals

Repeat customers are important for a snow removal company’s business. This is because repeat customers are the least expensive customer to get—you don’t have to remarket, resell, or re-bid them in order to land the job. This can provide the steady base snow removal companies need to support their business revenue without additional marketing costs.

However, many snow removal companies wait each year for their customers to return to them. This can lead to missed opportunities and revenue. 

Instead of hoping your customers come back to you year after year, automated renewals in a snow removal business software can generate batches of proposals to send via email or mail to your clients. This lets you prepare and print proposals for all previous customers with just a few clicks. You can include a cover letter, discounts, deadlines, and more to motivate the clients to return the approved proposals in a timely manner.

About Arborgold Snow Removal Software

Arborgold is a software designed specifically for the green industry for businesses such as landscaping, tree care, lawn care, and snow removal. This business software helps manage everything from scheduling to equipment and inventory management, customer communications, automated marketing, billing, and more. Take a virtual tour today by clicking the button below.

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