Why Tree Care Businesses Should Start a Plant Health Care Program


In a highly competitive tree care industry, as a certified arborist, you may be searching for innovative ways to increase your customer base, strengthen existing customer relationships, and uncover new revenue streams. One powerful strategy that can accomplish both goals is the implementation of a Plant Health Care (PHC) Program. This article explores the compelling reasons why your tree care company should seriously consider launching a plant health care services arm, emphasizing its ability to cultivate customer loyalty and generate substantial revenue to support future growth.

By the end, you’ll have the necessary insights to start developing a plant treatment program, focusing on understanding plant health care, its program components, the benefits it offers, implementing the program, and promoting its value.

What is the meaning of plant health care or plant health management?

Plant Health Care PHC is an integrated approach to maintaining disease-free shrubs, trees, and plants. It focuses on biological tree services with proactive and preventive maintenance designed to ensure the well-being and vitality of trees, rather than simply reacting to problems after they arise. PHC involves regular inspections, early diagnosis of potential issues, and the implementation of targeted treatments and practices to maintain the health and vigor of plants. Plants need the proper nutrients to help them fight insects and disease.

Tree biology work is an essential part of phc work, as healthy trees are more resistant to damage or decay. Also, you can count on the fact that your clients are very proud of the trees on their property because of the many benefits that trees provide for the environment as a source of oxygen, a home for birds, animals and insects, a protection against soil erosion, and a canopy of shade.

Tree health management can involve pruning to encourage new growth, soil injections, applying horticultural oils, ensuring adequate hydration, fertilizing the soil in the tree’s habitat, controlling insects and parasites, preventing disease, and removing rival trees or trees that are dead/dying.

A few things to remember: Plant health should be tailored to the specific needs of your business and the trees that you care for on any client property. No two PHC programs are alike! However, there are some general principles that all PHC programs should follow:

A holistic approach: This approach considers all of the factors that can affect tree health, including environmental conditions, soil quality, weather patterns, pests in the area, and plant diseases.

A comprehensive approach: This approach addresses all of the potential problems that can affect trees, plants, and shrubs, not just the most common problems. For example, many tree-related problems in the Northeast U.S. are completely different from tree issues in the Midwest, West, or South.

 An ongoing commitment: Plant health services aren’t normally a one-time service or application process. It’s a long-term commitment to treating and taking care of your customers’ trees, plants, and shrubs, often with recurring revenue.

Components of PHC programs

Tree health can precent disease and other harmful factors

Some key components of a robust PHC program include:

Regular tree inspections – Just like regular doctor and dentist appointments are important regimens for people to observe, a regular inspection of trees can identify potential problems early on so you can provide advice or treatment as needed.

Diagnostics and monitoring of tree health – If a problem is found such as poor soil or pests, you will need to diagnose the cause. This could involve tests or further consultations.

Proactive and preventive treatments – Once the cause of the problem is determined, you can develop a treatment plan and select the appropriate tools to execute the plan. This might involve corrective pruning, careful spraying, fertilizer, or other applications.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) – Healthy trees are more resistant to insect pests, and some trees are more highly susceptible to certain pests than others. Offering IPM (pest control) as part of your PHC program can ward off serious damage before anything becomes an emergency situation.

Why tree care businesses should start a plant health care program (PHC)

Benefits of plant health care services

Increased satisfaction with plant health care phc

Increased customer satisfaction: Customers are more likely to renew their contracts and recommend you to others if your business goes above and beyond to keep their trees in tip-top shape. A PHC program lets customers know that you are partnering with them to protect the investment in their landscape.

Reduced liability risk: A plant health care program can help you reduce your liability risk by preventing problems before they occur or before they get out of control.

Improved employee morale: Employees like working for a company that wants to add value to a customer relationship by showcasing the expertise of its team.

Increased profits: A plant health care program can impact your tree care company’s bottom-line by reducing the need for costly treatments, repairs, and replacements.

Positive environmental impact: Healthy plants perform better with less risk of falling prey to insects and disease.

Competitive advantage in the tree care industry: Smart businesses seize opportunities to differentiate themselves from competitors. That’s what launching a plant health care program can do for your business. It demonstrates your company’s passion for environmental stewardship and elevates your portfolio of services to a higher level of professionalism.

Implementing plant health care with tree work

Assess current tree care practices: The field of plant health care is constantly evolving. Your customers are depending on you and your tree care company to share the most current information about how to keep their trees healthy and thriving.

Start with clients you have: Make sure that your current clients are aware that your tree care business offers a PHC program. Send them an email announcing the exciting news about this service and encourage them to sign up.

Train/educate your staff and get certified: There are many different certifications available for arborists and tree care professionals to boost your expertise in the field of plant health care. Getting certified can demonstrate your commitment to PHC and give you the knowledge and skills required to implement a successful program.

Develop a comprehensive tree health monitoring system: Arborgold’s Tree Inventory Management System gives users the ability to record and maintain treatment records of each plant/tree on a customer’s property. You can record information such as GPS location, tree diameter (DBH), height, canopy, custom tags, and take unlimited photos.

Network with other professionals: There are many other tree care businesses and arborists in your area. Networking with these like-minded professionals can help you learn from their experiences and put you in a position to get referrals for new customers.

Promoting plant and tree health services

Website: Add a page to your company’s website about your PHC program. Current and potential customers are hearing about PHC from other sources and will be searching for businesses that provide this specialized service.

Social media: Post photos of various conditions that can impact the health of trees and provide a statement about how your tree care company provides a comprehensive PHC program to avoid the potential loss of a tree.

Case studies & success stories: If a customer is willing to share the story of how your company saved a tree/trees or created a strategic tree health care plan for their property, ask if you can share their experience via a case study or success story on your website or on social media. A testimonial from a satisfied customer is pure gold!

By taking a holistic and comprehensive approach to tree health care and incorporating it into your tree company’s annual business plan, you can generate income AND help your customers keep their trees healthy and beautiful for years to come. Here at Arborgold, we call that a tree-mendous win-win!

Learn how Arborgold can benefit your tree care company’s plant health care phc program. Take a product tour or speak to an Arborgold representative today.



Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful to get your plant health care program underway:

The International Society of Arboriculture: https://www.isa-arbor.com

The American Society of Consulting Arborists: https://www.asca-consultants.org

The National Arborist Association: https://www.treesaregood.org

The Tree Care Industry Association: https://www.tcia.org


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