Plant Health Care Service Marketing
If you're not doing plant health care service marketing to get more clients, there's no better time to start than RIGHT now. As a landscape service company, it is in your business’s best interest to make sure that your clients' garden looks stunning. One unhealthy plant can quickly spread pests and disease to the rest of the fauna. Your clients' invest a considerable amount of money in guaranteeing that their landscape looks pristine. Offering plant health care services is a great way to guarantee happy customers by ensuring good looking year-round landscapes and branching out your businesses opportunities.
Plant Health Care Service Marketing | A How To Guide
You might be wondering how to start offering new services. Here are few ideas that you can implement to make your plant health care services become an integral part of your business. You also might want to consider plant health care software as a tool to help you organize your database.
Existing Customers: Whenever you start to offer new services to the first people that should find out about your added business options are your existing customers. You will want to tell them all about your plant health care service. Reach out to your customers via email, social media, and mail fliers. You can even offer a discount if your established clients opt to sign up for the new service.
Look-alike: Utilize social media giant Facebook to use a look-alike audience. This will help you find new customers in your region.
Look for Marketing Opportunities: Any time you or your crew are maintaining a landscape you should look at possible opportunities to offer your company’s plant health care services. If a tree looks bad and needs dead pruning then it may also require deep root feeding. Do not hesitate to make suggestions to your clients.
Bring in New Clients via the Internet: When you first initially start to offer new or altered landscape services then you should pay for google search terms to reach a wider audience during a web search.
Advertise: Search out speaking and writing opportunities in your town where you can tout your new services. You can also use your town’s newspaper or radio to reach regional locals.
Possible Plant Care Services Marketing Opportunities.
Landscape companies that offer plant health services usually provide the following:
- Full spectrum nutrient management and fertilization
- Diagnosis and management of all Insect and disease problems
- Soil analysis and any necessary/required modification
- Construction site tree preservation
- Risk tree assessment, especially previous to or following a severe storm
- Root zone therapy with air-spading
- Complete root collar inspections plus necessary excavations
- Pest diagnosis and treatment
- A variety of tree growth regulators to help to reduce and controls the size
- Monthly Inspections
Ideally, when you promote your company and do plant health care service marketing, you should offer your clients the option of enlisting your company for monthly plant health care inspections. Catching a disease or pest infestation early often saves on costly and extensive treatments. When let go, many landscape problems could reach the verge of becoming unmanageable. Many types of ornamental shrubs and trees can quickly succumb to a problem if treatment is not immediately implemented. Possible solutions may include a modified irrigation schedule, pruning, or spot applications of pesticides.
Charging Your Customers
Starting a plant health care program to partner with your landscape business means a restructuring of your payment policies. You may want to charge a fee for the service and bill each month separately from your company’s landscape service. You can also bill together in one set bill. Many customers also appreciate a simple annual fee that covers all of your company’s monitoring services during the growth period.
Embarking on a new business branch is always an exciting prospect. If you already have customers in your database it's not too difficult to market plant health care services, and plant health care is an ideal service that partners well with any landscape company.