How Email Marketing Can Help Grow Your Service Business

email marketing

Are you looking to grow your service business with email marketing? Email marketing is the least expensive form of marketing you can do.  With email marketing you can communicate directly with thousands of clients and potential clients at a low cost. Email marketing programs like Constant Contact and MailChimp charge a low flat monthly rate. If you want to use those providers you’d need to download list of clients to then upload.

With Arborgold your email marketing is integrated. The advantage of that is you can filter the Arborgold database to find customers by specific criteria.

For example;

Search all customers where a job was completed in X thru X date range.


Search all prospects that were bid on X thru X date range.

Here are the top 3 insider tips to using Arborgold’s email marketing tools to grow your business.

Introduce New Services

Arborgold's email marketing feature

Try to develop a new service offering to your clients. It could be a service that you “invent” For example;

Lawn care companies – Special Soil Enhancement Treatment

Tree care companies – Tree Insect Protectant

Landscape companies – Bed Enrichment Treatment

You’ll establish your company as a leader, plus your prospects and clients won’t be able to price shop you or compare with a competitor.

Start by going to menu item Marketing. Then click generate customer list. Select the customers you’d like to target the new services and email.

Take Advantage of Cross Marketing

If your a company is a tree and landscape company there is a high probability landscape customers haven’t requested tree services and visa versa.

Using Arborgold’s cross marketing tool you can search to find all the customers that had any of these services but not these services. For example;

Search all customers that HAVE had: Removal, Pruning, Stump Grinding etc.

And Search;

All customers that have NOT had: Bed Maintenance, Mulching, Installations etc.

Draft an email an offer a FREE estimate on services your clients haven’t received. You’ll be surprised at the number of clients that may not have realize you offer those services.

Email Follow-ups

Follow-up, follow-up, follow-up. It’s how you can close more sales with less effort. They say it takes five touches to close the deal. That can be in the form of a phone call, email or text message.

Why don’t companies do it?

Because it’s hard to do them one by one, and keep track of it.

But sending follow up emails is easy in Arborgold. Go to Marketing, then Send Follow-up Emails. On the filter screen it is filtering for all jobs still in Proposal Status. Enter a date range for date of the bids. For example enter last week’s date range. Then choose your email template and send!

You’d need to do this on a routine basis to follow up on proposals in a timely manner. Don’t forget you’ll need to send more than one follow up to win the bid.


Use the Automated Follow Up Marketing Feature to ‘Set it and forget it”.  

For example;

You can pre-program Arborgold to send a follow up on a bid two days after it was created. Then, if the bid is still not accepted five days later,  send another automated email. Then, if the proposal is still not accepted one day later, send a task to the sales rep to call the customer. Having these email fire off with perfect timing, is like having an extra staff on hand.

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