Let Lawn Care Management Software Do All the Heavy Lifting!

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Lawn Care Management Software

Why should you have to do all the boring paper work of the office associated with your lawn care business when you can let lawn care management software do all the heavy lifting? There is no need for you to stress yourself over getting the right information sent to the correct department or entering double orders anymore, technology has finally allowed us to hand down those trivial tasks to software.

What lawn care management software can do

There are certain tasks within the office that directly affects your revenue stream. This goes from sending off repeat emails to customers, billing, logistics and inter-department communications. If any of these elements fail, it will translate negatively to your bottom line.

Lawn care management software essentially eliminates any type of error due to seamlessly integrating into your current office protocols and making it more efficient.

  • With lawn care management software you will:
  • Create Cloud communication between all departments (every department receives the needed information on each project in real time)
  • Automatically update all billing information and forward it to the billing department
  • Automatically re-bill with repeat customers
  • Automatically update logistic sheets
  • Automatically inform crews about location via GPS
  • Automatically remind your sales reps to follow up with your customers
  • Provide an online interactive portal for your clients
  • Protect against double entries
  • Much more!

This type of software, developed by companies such as Arborgold, becomes a crucial component in running a successful and highly efficient business. This in turn increases the overall customer experience, which means you get to retain customers for much longer.

What are the costs associated with Lawn Care management software?

Since the implementation of “software as a service” (SaaS) this kind of software have become extremely affordable for companies of all sizes. In most cases, this type of software comes with a monthly bill, which also includes:

  • 24 hour customer services
  • Periodic updates on software
  • Continual innovation and customer care
  • Reduced costs in expensive machinery
  • Proper training on using the software

The benefits of SaaS is that you get to reap the benefits of continual innovation meaning that your technology will always remain “up-to-date”.

Depending on the size of your organization you can expect to spend anywhere from $300-$500 USD per month for this kind of software. Considering the fact that the software works round the clock and never takes a moment to “relax” you get 100% efficiency without complaint.

Compare this to hiring extra help. What else would you have to pay? Vacations, sick days, bonuses, insurance is all associated with hiring new workers however with software you get to maintain control over your expenses and benefit from non-stop work.

In addition, software is unable to making human mistakes.

Lawn Care Management software will give you the edge over the competition

By ensuring efficiency and virtually no mistakes in terms of logging information, sending corresponding information to specific departments and of course billing. It’s time to take your company to the next level. Get your hands on Lawn Care Management software and change the way you do business forever!

To request a live demo of Arborgold, schedule an appointment by clicking here.


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