Lawn Care Invoice Template | Crucial To Repeat Business
Arborgold’s lawn care invoice template
Your lawn care invoice template.
One of the most important pieces of marketing collateral in your business, and one you might not think has anything to do with marketing at all.
That might sound surprising. And indeed, most businesses think of invoices as purely the domain of accounting and billing. But as you’re about to learn, your invoices are actually one of the most important pieces of marketing collateral you possess.
In fact… Invoices, done right, can actually be the single most powerful asset you own for securing consistent, reliable, dependable repeat business.
To explain why that is, let’s look at one factor you already know is an important source of repeat lawn care business: referrals.
Include Referral Request on Your Lawn Care Invoice Template
Most businesses know that referrals can generate repeat business. What most don’t know is exactly how to get them. Contrary to what most businesses do, you shouldn’t wait for referrals, you should ask for them.
One great approach is to put a referral request on your lawn care invoice template. This leaves a reminder fresh in your customer’s mind at a critical point: when they are ready to pay.
Paying an invoice is something that many people remember and pay attention to; on the day somebody pays your invoice, your business will be on their mind. For this reason, a request on an invoice is more likely to yield a referral than a request on (say) a simple reminder email; the customer is more likely to actually remember it.
Include Request for Reviews On Your Lawn Care Invoice Template
Another great ‘invoice call to action’ is a request for a review on your lawn care invoice template. Invite your customers to review you on Yelp, Google, Facebook, or anywhere else that lets people review businesses. This will generate publicity that may yield repeat business (for example, when an existing customer sees all the new, positive reviews you’re getting). It can also reinforce a positive image in your customer’s mind when they leave a review, so this strategy really works on two levels: repeat businesses from customers who see your reviews, and repeat business from customers who write them.
Offer Future Discounts on Your Lawn Care Invoice Template
Discounts are a great offer to make on your lawn care invoice template. The idea is simple: when you send your invoice to a client, include a discounted offer on the next service in the email–or even on the invoice itself. This not only gives you the benefits that discounts always give, it shows your gratitude for the customer’s business, and increases the olds they will remain loyal to you.
Even more ambitious: leave an unexpected discount on the service they already ordered! As in, charge them less than they thought they’d have to pay! This is a strategy that you might be uncomfortable with at first, finding it costly; but the massive goodwill it generates will pay for itself in repeat business.
Guarantees On Your Lawn Care Services
Including guarantees with your lawn care invoice template is a great way to increase repeat business. Simply include a line on your invoice saying that their satisfaction on this project is guaranteed, and you will reimburse them in some way if they aren’t happy. Once you deliver quality work, they will know that you stand by your word, and be more likely to re-hire you.
Professionalism on Your Invoice Template Improves Close Ratio
Well-designed digital lawn care invoice template can improve your overall close ratio with new AND repeat clients, just by conveying an air of professionalism. Cheap, poorly designed Excel and Paypal invoices tend to leave an “amateur” impression, while physical invoices sent in the mail indicate a lack of tech savvy. *Well designed*, *professional* digital invoices are the best option, indicating a business that is at once professional, thorough, and with-the-times. It all adds up to a better overall impression that can increase your close ratio.
The bottom line
Quality lawn care invoice templates can help you secure dramatically more repeat business, by increasing your referrals and customer reviews, and by growing your goodwill through special discounts and guarantees.
Put simply, investing in quality invoices is one of the easiest, simplest ways to increase your repeat revenue. Using the tactics outlined in this article, you can up your repeat business at virtually 0 cost, generating revenue growth simply by encouraging your customers to do business again or refer a friend.
If you want to create simple yet powerful invoices for your lawn care business, consider the Arborgold CRM suite. Don’t believe us? Take a peek at some of our online reviews.
Arborgold comes with a number of great features specifically designed for lawn care businesses, including advanced accounting and invoicing features that let you build awesome invoices on your computer in a matter of minutes.
Click here to learn what Arborgold can do for your business.
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