5 Ways Lawn Care Billing Software Improves Cash Flow

lawn care billing software

Can lawn care billing software help your cash flow?

Cash flow is important for any lawn care business, no matter how big or small of a company you are. If you don’t have cash flow, it’s hard to grow and expand your business and take on new customers.

It can be hard to manage cash flow manually. Sifting through invoices and hand counting inventory is time consuming, and it’s not a sure-fire way to free up expenses.

That’s where lawn care billing software comes into play. Lawn care billing software allows you to handle all billing electronically, and with a few clicks everything is organized and easily sent out.

By moving bills to digital, you can collect payments electronically and deliver invoices online rather than through the mail or by hand.

Lawn care billing software can help you improve cash flow in so many ways, but here are our top five reasons:

Billing software works from anywhere

A good lawn care billing software will have a mobile app to go with it, meaning your team can manage bills from their mobile phone or company tablet.

With everything under one app, your field team can notify the office that the service is complete and the customer is ready to be billed.

One click, and everything is connected!

This means that as soon as the job is done, head office can get to work, making the time from job completion to payment a lot quicker and streamlined.

Plus, by having everything done digitally, chances for mistakes (a lost invoice, hand written notes) are a lot slimmer because everything is done the same way in one place.

Easy batch billing

With a lawn care billing software, you can literally send out hundreds of client bills at once with the click of a button. You can highlight the bills you want to send, and mass send.

This makes the process much less manual and saves a ton of time for your office team.

E-pay options

The great thing about lawn care billing software is that it’s digital and runs online.

That means that you can take e-pay options online and customers can pay as soon as they receive their bill with their credit card. Making it easy for your customers to pay means that payments will come in quicker, freeing up cash flow.

Emailing invoices means saving on postage

Mailing invoices can really add up.

Emailing invoices means that you get to save on postage, and it means that you can track the bills and whether or not they’ve been opened.

Lawn care billing software also allows you to track which customers prefer email vs. mail.  That way you can provide a better customer experience too.

Organize your billing

A great feature of lawn care billing software is that you can sort your customers depending on how they want to be billed.

You can organize customers who are billed on contract (or a flat monthly amount) in one category, and have customers that are billed per service type in another category.

This way, your head office knows exactly how to bill which customer.

Lawn care billing software is more than just cash flow

Lawn care billing software not only increases cash flow, it also creates a better customer experience and a more streamlined employee experience.

Having everything done digitally means that your processes are all connected and organized, and it means that your customers can enjoy the modern technology of your services.

Yes, lawn care billing software opens up a ton of ways to increase cash flow. But, the great perk of billing software is that it can also help you drive new business and reduce employee churn by providing a great experience doing business with your lawn care company.

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