10 Top Local Directory Listings For Landscape Companies

Local Directory Listing Sites For Landscapers
Local Directory Listing Sites For Landscapers

Whether your landscaping company is just starting out or you’re a seasoned pro with a large customer base, every professional knows that they’ve got to get the word out somehow. In this digital age, we can no longer rely on the old saying “if you build it, they will come” because chances are they won’t even know about it. If you’re a business owner, you’ve got to spread your reach beyond the brick and mortar and employ the help of digital marketing techniques get your business its potential consumer reach.

SEO is a very big and very helpful way to generate traffic for your landscaping business’ website, but it can be hard to figure out. Are you wondering which search engines are the ones you should be listing your business on?  Here are the top 10 local directory listings that every landscape company should definitely be on.  

1 – Google

Google My Business, GMB, is Google’s portal for businesses to list themselves on and it’ll be your new best friend. Google is by far the most trafficked and well-known search engine. It receives roughly 3,000 searches per second on any given day and it’s the one that most customers use to find out more information about local businesses near them.

SEO marketing works around the rules that Google sets for its algorithms, so if you’re trying to optimize the hits your page is getting it only makes the most sense to get your business listed on the world’s most popular and ubiquitous platform.

2 – Bing

Bing is right behind Google as the world’s most popular search engine, so you should definitely look into putting your company’s listing into their Bing Places For Business portal. You’re among good company there as millions of businesses already have created and are managing listings through the portal.

An added bonus about using Bing is that their registration process only takes three steps. You’re also able to customize your listing as much as you like to entice potential customers since Bing lets you add custom videos, photos, and locations to your listing.

3 – Yahoo

As one of the world’s best-known search engines, Yahoo should definitely be one of the places you should look into if you’re listing your business. Yahoo offers some great analytics too so you can see how your listing is performing in its search ecosystem, as Yahoo will send you actionable reports about analytics, clicks, profile views, and calls.

This data is great to have because with it you can see how your business is doing on the search engine and make adjustments so that it can perform better and lander higher up in the search results list.

4 – Yellowpages

Even though we may not get the actual Yellowpages delivered to our doors anymore, it’s still a trusted name and a reliable search engine that’s incredibly helpful for when you’re listing your business.

Yellowpages advertises that it wants to work with businesses to create even stronger profiles that land higher on search results pages. They do this by teaching you how to easily list your business on top search sites, mobile apps, and social networks and how to strengthen your profile so that it’s competitive amongst other landscaping companies. That’s valuable and profitable knowledge for every business owner.

5 – Landscape.com

If you want to get industry-specific and target audiences that are looking for landscapers specifically and not articles about landscaping when they search “landscaper,” then Landscape.com is the search engine you need to put your listing on ASAP. 

This site is a hub for anyone looking to compete with local competitors for potential customers. The site helps you do this too by allowing you to post your listing as well as bid on landscaping projects with other local contractors that people have posted and want done.

6 – MapQuest

Most potential customers don’t want to search for “landscaper” and have 100 businesses show up and have none of them be local. Mapquest is a great search engine for you to drive local traffic to your business and give people valuable and detailed information about where your business is and how they can easily reach it from their area.

7 – Foursquare

Foursquare is a useful and huge search engine platform that offers business owners a little more of an analytical take on who their customers are and where they’re heading. With 60 million users and the ability to help businesses find out and gear their listings towards new audiences based on foot traffic trends, Foursquare is a search engine not to be looked over when listing your business.

8 – Landscapingnetwork.com

Landscapingnetwork.com is another search engine site that’s a must-have for you if you want to target a specific landscaping-focused audience. While the broader ones like Google and Yahoo over you a wide breadth of reach with your listings, industry-specific websites like Landscapingnetwork.com can connect you to business and homeowners who could potentially be interested in your work.

Even though you can’t technically post a listing of your work, you can drive traffic to your site and business by commenting and posting pictures of your projects to get people interested.

9 – Hotfrog

Hotfrog is the spot to list your business if you’re looking to connect with local potential customers—something that most landscapers probably want to do to save on gas. It’s pretty helpful to get your business listed on Hotfrog to start since they organize businesses by region and Google recognizes these regions and will place your business higher on searches from local potential customers. So hop on Hotfrog and really maximize your business’s organic traffic.

10 – MerchantCircle

Merchantcircle has over 2 million merchants and 100 million consumers currently on the platform. It’s a site that will help you grow your business by building your networks to increase visibility on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. It’s a win-win because it’ll land you higher on the search results page, but it will also help you make valuable industry connections with other local landscapers.

Do yourself a favor and list your business on one of these awesome directories and search engines. The benefits you’ll reap putting your business out there into the digital world will be much greater than the profit you’d make not doing it at all. After all, if you don’t trust us, just Google it!

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