Never Double book again with Lawn Care Scheduling Software

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In order to run a successful lawn care business, one must have the ability to plan ahead without any logistical errors. This means that communication is of the utmost importance. Traditionally, lawn care business owners would rely on secretaries, mobile devices and so on. Many times dates get confused, papers get lost and a wide array of human errors can occur.

Luckily, the world today is much different than was 10 years ago. Technology has significantly advanced and with modern day innovations, your scheduling problems will be a thing of the past. With lawn care scheduling software your double bookings are a thing of the past.


Being connected to the cloud

Lawn care scheduling software connects you to a cloud, meaning that all of your departments are interconnected with flawless communication all the time. Can you imagine how more effectively you can manage your organization if you possess interdepartmental communications?

With lawn care scheduling software, if a sale is made on the phone and the information entered into the software, every area of your business will be notified with relative information. All of your road crews as well as your financial department will receive relevant info that is only important to each department. The software separates financial information from location as well as logistics and updates your employees no matter where they are.

This significantly increases the overall efficiency of your organization. In turn, with a more effective workforce your bottom line will increase greatly. Many business owners found using lawn care scheduling software is a fantastic investment.


How does the scheduling work?

In relation to actually scheduling your work orders, this industry specific software does wonders. Due to the fact that it is connected to a cloud, GPS mapping is part of the functionality. When the information of your clients is entered into the software, the location is automatically sent to your road crews. With Wireless Technology, they will be able to drive to the exact location with the quickest route mapped out in order to reach your clients quicker.

In addition to reaching your clients much faster, you will also save on utilities such as gas and maximize the time of your workforce. If your crews can reach their destinations with time to spare, they can start working and finish the job quicker as well. While you might be saving 10 minutes per project, over time this becomes significant.


How much does lawn care scheduling software cost?

One might assume that this kind of software costs quite a pretty penny but due to the innovations of technology, they couldn’t be further from the truth. Depending on the size and needs of your organization you can expect to pay anywhere between $300 and $500 a month. While this might sound slightly on the pricier side of life you have to consider that this software will be doing the work of 10 employees nonstop, it is truly cost efficient. Essentially, you automate your entire office for a flat fee per month.

In the end, lawn care scheduling software saves you money by making your organization more efficient and reducing your overhead expenses as well.

For some of the best lawn care scheduling software seek out companies like Arborgold who specializes in developing solutions for the lawn care industry.

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