How to Cross-Sell to Existing Landscaping Customers

Upselling Your Existing Customers

If your landscaping company’s business strategy is to focus on bringing in as many new clients as possible, you may be missing out on a potential goldmine: your existing clients.

Many landscaping businesses make their initial sale to a client then never think to make a sales pitch to them again. However, cross-selling to existing customers can increase business revenue as much as 10-30% and is 60-70% easier than selling the same service to a new client.

Upselling Your Existing Customers

What is Cross-Selling to Landscaping Customers?

Cross-selling is a technique of selling additional services to an existing client. This practice can be highly beneficial in the landscaping industry since it helps maximize existing customers without adding excessive client acquisition costs.

How to Cross-Sell to an Existing Landscaping Customer

Below are 6 steps for effectively cross-selling to existing landscaping customers.

1 – Segment Your Clients

The best way to effectively cross-sell to existing landscape customers is to start by segmenting your client lists. This means to filter your current clients based on the services they’re currently receiving—as well as those services they aren’t receiving.

The purpose of segmenting your lists is to simplify communication and ensure relevant offers. Instead of trying to come up for a personalized cross-selling plan on a client-by-client basis (or, worse, including every client in the same service offering), this enables you to make strategic bulk cross-sell efforts.

For instance, filter your list based on properties that currently have weekly lawn mowing, trimming, and edging services but do not have any other lawn care services. This segmented list can be easily offered fertilization, aeration, or other lawn-based services.

Some CRM platforms, including Arborgold landscape management software, make it simple to automatically segment client lists, saving you time and effort.

2 – Determine Strategic Services to Cross-Sell

After you’ve segmented your client list based on services they do—and don’t—currently receive, make a plan for which services to cross-sell to each segment. You can start with 2-3 segments at first to make this process simpler. Consider:

· Which services naturally complement the services you’re already providing these clients?

· Which services are appropriate for the season?

· Which services can you currently accommodate increased scheduling?

3 – Design Your Marketing Plan

Cross-selling to existing clients doesn’t have to be difficult. An automated email marketing, voice broadcasting, or text messaging campaign can be a good way to start.

We recommend taking steps to make it as easy as possible for the customer to say “yes.” This means including accurate pricing in your reach-out plan, an updated and ready-to-sign contract, and a clear and concise “next step” that the customer should take.

For instance, if your landscape management software contains a cross-selling system, you can use existing land measurements to provide accurate bids for the new service, automatically generate updated contracts, and send them to your segmented list. That way, all your client has to do is accept the bid and sign the contract to generate a work order.

4 – Follow Up

In many cases, a single message is not enough to generate a conversion. Instead of sending a single email and waiting for the sales to roll in, consider sending a follow-up. Try something simple such as a text message or voice broadcast that asks if they received your email about adding X service to their contract and if they would like you to add them to the schedule.

5 – Add a Personal Touch

While most existing clients are receptive to additional services, they don’t want to feel like they’re part of a mass marketing list. Instead of relying on impersonal messaging, add a personal touch such as a cover letter, personalized email templates, etc. to your cross-selling bid.

6 – Don’t Neglect Your Existing Relationship

Don’t get so caught up in the idea of cross-selling existing clients that you forget to do your existing job well. Make sure to continue to provide excellent customer service and show your appreciation to your clients. A happy client is much more likely to add on additional services than an unhappy one.

Explore Arborgold’s Cross-Selling System

Arborgold’s cross-selling system allows you to easily segment your clients based on existing services and date ranges. It also allows you to use automated bid generation and marketing systems to cross-sell to these segmented lists.

Learn more about Arborgold’s automated marketing and cross-selling capabilities by taking a tour today.

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