Get Lawn Care Customers Fast | A How To Guide

Get Lawn Care Customers Fast

Whether you’re a store owner or a landscaper, your revenue ultimately comes down to your relationships with paying customers. For lawn care companies it boils down to “get lawn care customers fast”.

But while all businesses share the need to acquire customers, the need is especially keenly felt in service businesses.

In a business based on services–lawn care for instance–, you depend on a relatively small number of customers for repeat business. This means that you need to build up a new clientele quickly if:

You’re starting a new business, or,

You are an established business who has lost a major contract recently and needs to make up the revenue.

Too often, lawn care businesses fail or suffer stagnant revenue due to slow client acquisition. In this article, we will look at some ways you can get lawn care customers fast, so your business grows consistently, with stable revenue even in the weakest seasons.

PPC advertising with retargeting to get lawn care customers fast

PPC advertising is a type of advertising where you pay only when somebody clicks on your ad. Most ads on Facebook and Google fall into this category.

Pay Per Click to Get Lawn Care Customers Fast

PPC advertising is extremely powerful because you only pay when an ad performs. Instead of paying for “impressions,” you pay for leads. This dramatically speeds up the advertising process by sending customers directly to your site and letting you know how many you’re getting.

And with retargeting, PPC advertising becomes even more powerful. Retargeting lets you target customers who have already visited your site or Facebook page once before, meaning that they are already familiar with your business and have a higher chance of becoming a customer. For more on retargeting, see our article on Lawn Care Local Business Building Strategies.

Email marketing to get lawn care customers

Email marketing goes hand in hand with PPC advertising.

Email Marketing To Get Lawn Customers

The standard approach here is to run a PPC ad to a landing page that gives a free offer in exchange for the customer giving their email address. In return, you can send them emails–for example, offers for discounts on lawn care services. This is a surefire way to get lawn care customers fast.

Nurturing customer relationships

Once you have an email list, you can start nurturing customer relationships.

This is yet another great way to get lawn care customers fast.

Nurture Lawn Care Customers

While most businesses using email marketing to simply spam customers with offers, it pays to take a more personal approach. While you should be sending out automated emails on a regular basis, take some time to write individualized emails to clients.

Ask them about their work, their home, their lawn–anything that could lead to a conversation about lawn care services. Don’t rush the conversation. Give friendly tips and advice on lawn care topics, and when they indicate interest, mention that you have a service that meets their need. Just like that, you’ll find clients fall into your lap.

Dynamic proposals get lawn care customers

Last but not least, a great way to get lawn care customers fast is to stand out at the proposal stage.

Too often, clients will hem and haw when choosing between proposals, taking their time to interview each client individually. But if you deliver a really knockout proposal, you can create an overwhelming impression that makes the client eager to hire you quickly, bypassing the red tape.

Dynamic Proposals Arborgold

Dynamic proposal features help you do just that.

The Arborgold CRM suite comes complete with proposal features such as landscape design tools, beautiful proposal template layouts, and the ability to modify and upgrade proposals quickly in response to customer needs. These types of features let you quickly create proposals that are beautiful, informative and–perhaps most importantly–responsive to client needs.

The Arborgold CRM suite also comes complete with powerful features for every aspect of your online marketing–from email marketing contact management to landing page design and more. Offering a complete CRM suite with all necessary marketing features needed to succeed, Arborgold is the key to integrating your lawn care service business customer management in one application.

Click here to learn more about what Arborgold can do for your business.

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