How to capture repeat business for your landscape company

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When you want repeat business from existing clients, there are a lot of things to consider. While new customer acquisition costs can require deep advertising pockets, there’s real money inside your existing customer list, especially when:

  1. They’re happy with the service you provide.
  2. They trust you with their property.
  3. They understand and accept your pricing.

Tapping into repeat business can be a revenue goldmine and there are a million ways to skin this cat. Here are a few proven ideas to get you started:

Develop a standard and expanded service list and brochure.

If your customers are happy with the service you’re providing or have provided in the past, why wouldn’t they “do” more business with you? Usually it’s because they don’t know what other services you provide. If you’re not educating your customers on your offering, how can they give you a chance to reach out to you for additional help?

Even better? We recommend standardizing your pricing and including the information on your invoices, brochures, or your estimates. This way you’re keeping your company top of mind. So, when the time comes you’re the leading provider of choice.

Important Note: Standard pricing sheets set\ a baseline for your customers. Not all jobs will have the same cost regardless of the property size or job specification. Your service list could also include a-la-carte, or an add-on service menu that will augment any standard service listings.

For example, if your cost for a specific square footage of landscape maintenance is “x”, and one of your clients wants a spring planting for their yard, there’s more to the job besides a simple “checkbox – count me in”. With additional costs such as plant size, plant type, hours required, you may need to provide a more formal bid or estimate. BUT… by including “spring planting” as part of your service list, your customers will know the option is available.

Account penetration strategy #2

Stay in Touch

Develop a marketing plan to stay in contact with your customers. From a simple “thank you” email after the initial job is completed, to a long-term nurture campaign with holiday greetings, service anniversary reminders, and educational emails, you’re going beyond just “the first impression”. Using technology such as Arborgold’s integrated email marketing system makes it easy to develop such a plan. You’re not only automating marketing messages, but you can auto-renew contracts for a seamless customer experience and an uninterrupted flow of payments.

Repeat client business strategy #3

Keep Your Website Up-to-Date

Your website is your digital calling card and virtual landscape company resume. When you want to drive repeat business, you need to make sure your customers can find you online. Be sure to keep your company contact information clear and present on every page. Be sure it’s optimized for your company name and relevant keywords. Include that new service listing page and impressive photos of your projects and past work.

Driving repeat business isn’t always straight forward but your best option? Perform outstanding work, provide excellent customer service, and maintain a level of professionalism. The rest is icing on the cake.

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