Why Landscape Software is the Best Way to Win the Bid

Arborgold Software
Arborgold Software

As a landscaping company, bid management plays a huge role in sales. It is a competitive landscape and setting yourself apart as the best team for the job starts at the bid. This is where you come in with an overview of why your company is the best fit for the task, and why you’re worth your asking price.

At Arborgold, we design software specifically for landscaping teams to ensure your bids are well received and properly formatted at every step. We take the guesswork out of bidding, so you can focus on what is important – your clients.

Here, we will go over a few reasons landscaping software is an advantage to your landscaping brand, and how you can use it to be successful.

Landscape Design

Whether you are bidding for a residential or commercial landscape job, your company’s design experience will affect the outcome. The modern consumer is smart and well-informed. Nobody is hiring blindly anymore, which means having a portfolio at your fingertips to showcase your best landscaping design work will help you gain the trust you need to win your next bid.

Using Arborgold landscaping software, you can not only compile and create portfolios of past work but show a new client what their build will look like. Landscaping software is continuously expanding to include more features and tools to use in the field and office. Access your design files from anywhere whenever you need them.

Automated Follow-up Reminders

Potential clients receive bids from a multitude of local companies hoping to get in on the next big project. This is especially true for large corporate accounts, which could provide continuous work. One of the ways bespoke landscaping software works for you during the bidding war is by sending automated follow-up reminders to let people know your team is still there and ready to take on a new challenge.

Automated follow-ups are not generic. Rather, you design the reminder yourself from a template in the CRM. From here you can also schedule when e-mails go out, to who, and how frequently. This means it does not matter whether you big first or last, your brand will be fresh in the mind of any potential client you bid for.

Sales Pipelines

The sales pipeline can be broken down into sections, much the same as a sales funnel. From prospecting to product delivery, landscaping software can help at each stage, including:

  • Prospecting – Identifying leads and developing a database.
  • Preparation and Discovery – Arranging the appropriate information and resources to communicate organically.
  • Contact – Reaching out to prospective clients.
  • Presenting your Brand – Telling prospective clients who you are, what you do, and why they need your service or product.
  • Purchase – The new client commits to a purchase.
  • Retention – Retaining the new customer for future services and products.

The above steps of a typical sale pipeline can all be influenced and supported by landscaping software. From developing your database, organizing contact details, reaching out to prospective customers, and presenting your brand to confirming the purchase and, as we learned earlier, sending follow-up emails through automation.

Branded Templates with Logos

There is a reason why logos are used in marketing, it helps consumers associate a brand with an image. Your logo should be visible on everything you send your customers, including e-mails and other correspondence. Working with the right landscaping software, you ensure your logo appears across the marketplace, keeping your brand in the mind of consumers who see it. Visual advertisements are proven to work, and a logo on any documents used in your bid will lock your brand into the brains of potential clients.

One of the great things about using software designed for landscaping, rather than a general business software, is that you can count on templates and designs suitable for your industry. When making a bid, this improves your chances of being recognized for your field of expertise, rather than forcing the client to go searching for you.


Nobody hires blindly, not even in landscaping. Having visible testimonials where potential clients can see them strengthens your bid for a job. These testimonials provide real-life examples of what previous customers have thought of your work and may even show a new customer something you excel at, which they never realized you could deliver.

Testimonials are easily incorporated into your business profile through Arborgold’s landscaping software. All the comments from past customers are accessible and available for browsing, leaving new potential clients with a good idea of who you are, what you bring to the table, and why they should hire you over competitors.

Service Options

Finally, your landscape software can strengthen your bid for a job because of the available information on service options. Unlike traditional paper printout bids from the past, your software will provide a digital glimpse into your abilities, strengths, and specialties. Some clients have been considering adding additional projects to a bid but are unsure about needing extra workers or a second landscaping company to get things done. Seeing all the services you provide gives new customers a better understanding of what their project will look like if your bid wins.

Services can be represented visually and verbally, with real-life examples of past work to back up each category.

Contact Arborgold

As a landscaping business, your clients are your bread and butter. Showing the world what you can do, and representing yourself with strong, direct marketing increases your chances of winning any bid you make. Landscaping software will help support you in future endeavors and minimize time waste in the process, by leaving your schedule open to focus on more pressing matters.If you are interested in learning more about Arborgold landscaping software and all it can do for your company, we invite you to take a tour today! Check out all the latest aspects of our current landscaping software and see for yourself the kind of difference it can bring to your brand.

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