Can You Run A Landscaping Business Out of Your Home?

Running a landscaping business from home

Landscaping and gardening are two different things, but for some DIY’ers, doing into business for both may not be such a bad idea. At Arborgold, we specialize in providing the tools and support for businesses in the landscaping, pest control, snow removal, and lawn care industry. Working in such a niche field, we often receive questions about the industry and whether or running a landscaping business from home is a good idea.

Like any job, there are pros and cons to running a landscaping business, but if you love all things green, then it just makes sense to invest in a career that brings you closer to your passion. So, can you run a landscaping business from home? Of course, but you may need a little help.

Benefits of Running a Landscaping Business from Home

Work-from-home jobs have become more popular with the introduction of the internet, laptops and mobile phones. However, some questions remain on which business models are plausible from a home office, and which should be left to the professionals. At Arborgold, we always recommend anybody considering running a landscaping business make a list of the good and bad that come along with it. If the good outweighs the bad, you are golden. Here are some of the main benefits of running a landscaping business from home:

  • Create Your Own Schedule – The number one reason most individuals choose to create their own business is to customize a schedule to suit their lives and not the other way around. A landscaping company is an amazing opportunity to pick and choose the days you want to work and the times you are available.
  • No Commute – Of course, there is always a commute to your next job site where the physical landscaping takes place. However, there is no early morning drive through rush hour traffic with only half a coffee in your system as you try to make it to the office on time. You can get up, start your morning at your own pace, and wait for rush hour to subside before driving to your first job of the day. You could also choose not to drive to any job site and hire employees to do all the manual labor parts of the landscaping business.
  • Be Your Own Boss – Like building your own schedule, being your own boss is an alluring opportunity when running a landscaping company. The ability to hire people who share your drive and company culture, to build a brand that speaks to you and for you, and to determine your worth as a service to your community all make running a business great.
  • Get Personal with Your Clients – As the owner of a business, you do not need to keep your head down behind the electric mower. Instead, you can meet and greet customers, building rapport as you build your brand and business. Getting to know the people in your community will only help you grow your company.
  • Build Something Sustainable – Finally, running a landscaping company gives you access to something sustainable. Clothing styles change, mobile phones change to keep up with the latest technology advancements, but people will always have yards. Whether you cater to residential or commercial properties, there will always be grass to mow, flowers to water, weeds to pull, and hedges to trim.
  • Flexibility – Landscaping is a flexible business model because even in the winter when snow and ice making planting unnecessary, snow removal is an excellent use of your skills, workforce, and equipment.

So, do the pros outweigh the cons for you? That is a personal decision, but at Arborgold, we are here to support you.

Types of Landscaping Services to Choose From

As you begin your endeavor running a landscaping company you may begin to realize there are a variety of service options available. Many landscaping businesses offer a wide assortment of services to keep business booming even in the down season. Some examples of services you may choose to offer include:

  • Lawn care, mowing and management
  • Hydroseeding
  • Garden design and installation
  • Water feature installation and maintenance
  • Sod installation
  • Contracting services
  • Architecture and building services
  • Weeding, watering, and trimming
  • Garden pest management
  • Winter care and snow removal

If you have a keen eye for beautiful gardens or engineering skills to build outdoor features and architecture, you could do just about anything with your landscaping business.

Working with Arborgold you can expand your business into something big and worthwhile with our software.

Arborgold Landscaping Software

What is Landscaping Software?

Arborgold offers specialized business software to individuals running landscaping companies. This software provides you with information on customers, access to templates and ideas for automated e-mail and newsletters, GPS tracking for staff and equipment, and so much more.

Our software is designed to handle all the behind the scenes administrative work that makes running a landscaping business tedious. Forget all the filing and typing and focus on your creativity by handing the reigns to your Arborgold landscaping software.

With easy to use apps which let you mobilize your business and work from anywhere you have internet, you can streamline services and communicate with your staff with ease.

Contact Arborgold Today

If reading this information has inspired you to begin running a landscaping business of your own, we encourage you to give us a call. Arborgold is a leader in this industry, helping our clients rise from small start-ups to large franchised companies. Whether you are looking to earn a little income on the side, or you are passionate about making landscaping your full-time job, we can help you reach your goals.

At Arborgold, we know no two landscaping companies are the same, which is why we strive to create flexible platforms on which you can build your company from the ground up. From managing finances and contracts to dealing with your customers, Arborgold’s landscaping software will keep your business moving long after you pack it in for the night. Take an Arborgold tour today and see what we are talking about.

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