landscaping business software

Three Landscaping Business Software Mistakes

Landscaping business software is a great investment that can really help you create long-term efficiencies and cost savings for your company. However, simply getting software for your landscaping business does not mean that it’s going to magically work! It has to be implemented and used correctly, in order to be effective.

Software can be a really powerful tool, but it does take some thought and effort in order to get it working for your company in the best way possible. If you are considering getting software for your business, you want to ensure that you have the resources and tools to put it to good use.

Not sure where to start? Here are three common landscaping software mistakes to avoid:

Stringing together multiple products that don’t talk to each other

Not all software is compatible. Think of it like getting parts for your home, or car, you need to ensure that all the pieces can work together. For example, the Google suite of tools (think: Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Documents) do not work together with the Microsoft Suite (Outlook, Excel, Word, etc.) This is the same for landscaping business software.

When you’re thinking of purchasing a new software, do a quick audit of the tools and software your company already uses and what your employees and customers enjoy using. Then, find a tool that will work with you. You want a tool that can integrate with your invoicing software, scheduling, inventory, etc. Or else, you’ll just get a tool that simply won’t be able to work.

Using generic Field Service software

Yes, business landscaping business software can feel expensive in the beginning as you purchase and implement, but if you’re making the decision to go for it – don’t skimp out. If you choose to go with generic field service software, you’ll quickly realize the mistake as you hit roadblocks and walls not having the specific features you need to run a landscaping business.

It’s worthwhile to go with a specialized landscape software for landscaping in particular. You will want to have access to important features, such as job costing and chemical reporting, so you don’t waste time and money importing and missing data. Remember, the main goal of the software is so that you can manage everything (in the perfect world), so don’t choose a tool that doesn’t do it all.

Failing to get in and really use it

Importing, implementing, training, and going through the motions of onboarding a new software takes time and money. So, go all in if you’re going to do it!  Don’t use “lite” versions of landscaping business software, or toned down software that only has limited users.

Make sure you dive in and get access to all the features so you can actually get your hands dirty and see things like job costing, detailed reporting, and other important details that will help you grow and scale your business.

Understand you landscaping business software needs 

Getting a software system is no simple task, and that’s why it’s good practice to understand your goals and needs before jumping into a purchase. This way, you can not only find the perfect tool but also you can work with the software company to set you up for success.

Lots of software companies offer implementation and training services, so ask about that and budget accordingly. Remember, this is a long-term investment in your company’s success. What you spend now will pay you back later!